
今天是3rd sem 的最后一天,也是 soo fong 的最后一天,我想。。。大家的心情都显得有点沉重,有些还哭了。。。其实我。。。也一样。。。就在今天,当班上还剩下蛮多人的时候,大家都显得嘻嘻哈哈的。。。有的还拿起相机。。。拍呀拍。。。不亦乐乎。。。可,用心去聆听。。。你会发现,有些人想开心都开心不起来。。。因为。。。SOO FONG 要离开了。。。那时候,我发现,我整个世界都显得不一样,顿时好像静去的。。。才发现原来,我们大家不知不觉的,相处了3个sem也就是7-8个月了。。。真的好快,想起第一个sem的时候,大家刚进来,谁都不认识谁,慢慢的,group在一起,因assignment的问题,他们误会了我。。。我知道。。。她们还在背后骂我。。。哈哈。。。想起她还欠我一个道歉。。。xD最后,误会化解。。。慢慢,她们又跟LEE SHAN有些不愉快。。。又好回。。。哈哈。。。还蛮多事情发生的。。。MAY INTAKE。。。原来。。。人与人之间的关系可以那么复杂,那么的短暂。。。虽然跟她相处的不是很多,但起码,我还算认识她。。。希望她还记得那天我在公园跟她说过的话,加油。。。外表坚强但内心却有点脆弱的她,我想她会有些改变。。。真的变很多了。。。加油。。。还有。。。我不是不想跟你拍照片。。。是因为。。。我不想这是我们大家最后一张的照片。。。哈哈,可能有点幼稚吧这个想法,没办法啦。。。xD 我相信你会找到自己的出路。。。再一次的。。。加油。。。
just bck from old folks home...whn u see them...they all r like hopeless...but actually, they are having the same wish everyday...people will not forget them that they are one pf the world...people will visit them...no more lonely...and some...just wish to see their family again b4 they "leave" the world...they keep thank we when we send things to them...its my pleassure to meet them, they are once the contributor for the world...they build up the path for us...they had been went through everything...and they deserved our respect...wish them all the best...btw...to Xiu Wen(the gal i jz noe her) u hav a vry kind heart,and friendly smile...u make them feel proud of being a part of the world...keep it up...
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